Agates are grounding stones used for emotional, physical and intellectual balance. They aid in centering and stabilizing physical energy. Agate has many varieties, such as Moss Agate and Tree Agate. Tibetan monks use Agate to create spiritual Dzi beads.
COLORS: Many often with patterns
ASPECT: Waxy, Translucent
CHAKRA: All, depends on color
Amazonite stimulates the artistic and creative side of thinking and promotes tolerance and patience. It has a calming effect and helps the wearer come to terms with grief. It promotes confidence, vitality, and joy of life.
COLORS: Blue-Green
ASPECT: Opalescent with veins
CHAKRA: Throat, Heart
Amethyst is a high vibration crystal used to enhance intuition and connect with the spiritual realm and higher self. Commonly used for inner sight, selflessness and spiritual wisdom. Amethyst supports meditation and visualization, sleep, and calms the mind.
COLORS: Purple
ASPECT: Transparent, crystals
CHAKRA: Crown, Third Eye
A stone of peace, Angelite promotes awareness and connection with higher consciousness, disperses worry, promotes compassion, and attracts good fortune.
COLORS: Blue-gray, some white veining
ASPECT: Opaque
CHAKRA: Throat, Third Eye
Apatite is a beautiful aqua blue-green color stone that enhances self-expression, motivation, energy and creativity.
COLORS: Aqua, Blue
ASPECT: Hexagonal
CHAKRA: Throat
Aventurine is known for its positive energies, prosperity, reinforcing leadership qualities and decisiveness. It is said to promote compassion, empathy, and encourage perseverance.
COLORS: Blue, Green, Orange
ASPECT: Opaque, Microcrystalline
CHAKRA: Throat, Heart, Sacral
Azurite supports a clear understanding and new perspectives expanding the mind. Allows more light into situations of stress, worry, grief, and sadness. Cleansing the "third eye" and stimulating intuitive development.
COLORS: Blue, Green
ASPECT: Opaque, Microcrystalline
CHAKRA: Third Eye, Throat
Bloodstone also known as Heliotrope, calms the mind, dispels confusion, and enhances the decision making process. It helps in grounding the heart energy. Promotes the development of personal power, courage, releases fear, and fosters strength of mind.
COLORS: Green with red spots
ASPECT: Green quartz flecked with red jasper
CHAKRA: Root, Heart
A stone of serenity and simply being, Bronzite is helpful for finding quiet in meditation and stilling the mind. Protective and grounding, assists in releasing negativity and stress.
COLORS: Brown, Black
ASPECT: Mottled stone
Carnelian is a high energy stone excellent for restoring vitality, motivation, and inspiring creativity. Carnelian grounds and anchors in the present reality. Promotes courage, positive life choices dispels apathy and motivates for success.
COLORS: Red/Orange
ASPECT: Translucent stone, water-polished
CHAKRA: Sacral
Citrine is supportive of self-confidence and renewed determination. Citrine symbolizes individuality, confidence, happiness, and success. Activates creativity and motivation.
COLORS: Yellow, Clear
ASPECT: Crystal, may be cloudy
CHAKRA: Solar Plexus
Dragons Blood is a type of Jasper with a deep red matrix combined with green hues found in Australia. This is a stone for strength, confidence, and success. Jasper imparts the courage to take on problems confidently and encourages honesty with yourself.
COLORS: Green, Red, Black
ASPECT: Mottled stone
Fluorite is a protective stone used for grounding and "aura" protection, and balancing Chakras. Commonly used for harmony, connecting with the higher self, and intuition.
COLORS: Blue, Purple, Green, Yellow
ASPECT: Transparent, cubic crystal
CHAKRA: Crown, Third Eye, Throat
Garnet is known for cleansing the chakras of negative energies and re-energizing them. Garnet inspires love and passion, devotion and loyalty. Encourages positive relationships of all kinds.
COLORS: Very Dark Red
ASPECT: Transparent
CHAKRA: Sacral, Root
Howlite is a calming stone, it balances Chakras, connects with higher consciousness. Commonly used for calming anxiety and stress. Promotes patience and to overcome criticalness.
COLORS: White with veining
ASPECT: Marbled stone
It is believed Jade attracts good luck, friendships, and love. Used for balancing the Heart Chakra, it is a protective stone that imparts harmony, releases negative energy, and improves insight.
COLORS: Green, White
ASPECT: Watery opaque
Jasper is known as the “supreme nurturer” supporting during times of stress, promoting tranquility and wholeness. Jasper reminds people to help each other. It is primarily used for stability and grounding. Jasper is available in MANY varieties.
COLORS: Multicolored
ASPECT: Opaque, patterned
Blue Kyanite promotes tranquility, fairness, loyalty, and enhances self-expression. Kyanite is used for meditations, improving intuition and clearing blockages, especially in communication.
COLORS: Blue with white, gray
ASPECT: Triclinic crystal
CHAKRA: Throat
Labradorite is primarily used for raising intuition, balancing the mind and spirit, and deflecting negative energy. Letting go of worry and stress.
Known for its mysterious and lustrous appearance, Labradorite can range from a milky clear to a clear gray with flashes of blue, purple, and green with an iridescent mix of swirling color often with black flecks.
COLORS: Gray, iridescent
ASPECT: Triclinic clear or dark, with flashes
CHAKRA: Third Eye, Crown
Lapis Lazuli was considered a sacred stone and was adorned by ancient rulers. It supports the enduring qualities of honesty, compassion, and uprightness to the personality.
Worn for its protective properties Lapis Lazuli releases stress, bringing deep peace and serenity. It is known for stimulating the higher intelligence of the mind, bringing objectivity and clarity.
COLORS: Blue, with white or gold
ASPECT: Opaque, flecked with pyrite
CHAKRA: Third Eye, Throat
Lava Stone also known as Basalt is the result of an eruption of a volcano at some time in history when the lava solidified into rocks during cooling.
Energetically, lava stone relates to the embodiment of all four elements instilled within, earth - air - fire - water. Lava stone diminishes negativity and promotes vitality.
COLORS: Gray, Black
ASPECT: Volcanic stone
A stone of transition, Lepidolite induces change and letting go of old patterns that no longer serve the higher self. Commonly used for stress relief and dissolving negativity, Lepidolite is useful in visualization, and rousing intuition.
COLORS: Purple, Lilac, Mauve
ASPECT: Opaque, luster crystals
CHAKRA: Crown, Third Eye
Moonstone is a stone of "new beginnings" and of intuition. Like the moon, the stone is reflective and reminds us that everything in life is part of a cycle of change, just as the moon waxes and wanes. Moonstone is known for calming of emotions, soothing stress, promoting intuition and empathy.
COLORS: White, Peach, Gray, Green
ASPECT: Cloudy, translucent
CHAKRA: Crown, Third Eye
Obsidian is a protective stone that repels negativity and disperses unloving thoughts. Brings clarity to the mind and clears confusion and narrow beliefs. A strongly protective stone, forming a shield against negativity, grounding and absorbing negative energies from the environment.
COLORS: Black, Brown
ASPECT: Volcanic, shiny opaque
CHAKRA: Depends on color
Onyx is supportive of strength, it provides support in difficult or confusing circumstances and during times of enormous mental or physical stress. Promotes vigor, steadfastness, and stamina. It aids in learning lessons, imparting self-confidence and helping to be at ease.
ASPECT: Opaque, sometimes with bands and inclusions
Quartz Crystal aids in concentration and liberates thought. Quartz Crystal absorbs, stores, releases, and regulates energy. Used alongside other crystals it clears and amplifies their energy. In meditation, clear Quartz filters out distractions.
Popular varieties of quartz include: Rock Clear, Rose, Smoky, and Rutilated.
COLORS: Varies
ASPECT: Trigonal crystals
Rhodonite is a pink stone flecked with black veining, Rhodonite stimulates, clears, and activates the heart chakra. It grounds energy, balancing yin and yang, aiding in achieving one’s highest potential. It is said to enhance mantra-based meditations, aligning the soul more closely to the vibration.
COLORS: Pink Shades
ASPECT: Mottled, with black
CHAKRA: Heart, Sacral
Rose Quartz is the gemstone of unconditional love and peace, it is a calming and reassuring crystal. Promotes compassion and kindness. With the true essence of love Rose Quartz purifies and opens the heart bringing deep inner healing and self-love. Gently draws away negative energy and restores it with loving vibes.
COLORS: Pale Pink
ASPECT: Trigonal crystals
Selenite has a high vibration similar to Quartz as it cleanses other crystals and purifies energy. Selenite instills deep peace and nurtures enlightenment in meditation, protecting against negativity.
ASPECT: Monoclinic crystals
CHAKRA: Crown, Third Eye
Serpentine is an earthen stone that aids meditation and spiritual exploration. Supportive in correcting mental and emotional imbalances and assists the conscious direction of healing energy toward problem areas. Serpentine is a beautiful stone with a similar texture and appearance of Jade.
COLORS: Green, Yellow
ASPECT: Amorphous stone
CHAKRA: Heart, Sacral
Sodalite is a stone of confidence encouraging inner truth, rational thought, equality, and intuition. Sodalite stimulates the release of old mental conditioning, creating space for new insights.
COLORS: Dark Blue with White
ASPECT: Cubic crystal
CHAKRA: Third Eye
Sunstone is associated with the Greek sun-god Helios because of its golden sparkle. Sunstone promotes humor, cheerfulness, and good temper. It supports the necessary stamina and energy to undertake projects and tasks. It promotes a positive attitude towards life and increased self-esteem and self-confidence.
COLORS: Peach, Orange
ASPECT: Monoclinic crystals
CHAKRA: Sacral
With it's cats eye like appearance, Tiger Eye is commonly used for promoting self-worth, boosting confidence, and clearing blocked creativity. Tigers Eye has long been used as a protective talisman increasing courage, and balancing yin and yang energy.
COLORS: Yellow, Brown, Red
ASPECT: Opaque with bands
CHAKRA: Depends on color
Tourmaline in its many varieties and colors is a stone of harmony, manifesting ones aspirations, and increasing vitality. Black Tourmaline is used for protection from negativity and grounding.
COLORS: Multi-color and Black
ASPECT: Trigonal crystal
CHAKRA: Depends
Turquoise is a stone of prosperity, and endurance. An energizing stone it is said to make one feel active and alive, in peaceful harmony. Turquoise promotes self-confidence, free expression, ambition, and being honest with oneself.
COLORS: Blue-Green with Black
ASPECT: Triclinic crystal
CHAKRA: Throat
Unakite is said to lift spirits and increase willpower. As a stone of visions, Unakite promotes balance of emotion with spirituality.
COLORS: Green, Pink/Peach
ASPECT: Opaque patterned
Wood is connected to the Earth and natures energy, it is often used in spiritual ceremonies.
Not sure which gemstone is right for you? Narrow the options down based on your goals and intentions.
There are many varieties available of each type of gemstone with unique color and patterns. The stones pictured here are in their natural raw form, round beads will have a polished smooth appearance. If you have any questions about selecting mala beads feel free to ask!
Disclaimer: The provided metaphysical or healing properties are for information only and should not replace professional medical advice, treatment, examination, or diagnosis. Our products do not diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. and the user assumes full responsibility for their results and outcomes.